9th And Virginia

The Cuddle Party 9th And Virginia Lyrics

You can have list you'll tip more than I would
But I demand twist cuz they're happy hour's too good
You can have all of the bars south of Pine street
Except for that one where you first said you loved me

And please make it so no one drives an M3
Anywhere in Seattle, I happen to be
You clearly get Art, plus they only serve seafood there
And I'm taking cyclops cuz the bartenders love me there

This city is way too small for me
You've lost but I can't seem to sleep
Karma won't seem to take the hint
Seeing you feels like taking a bullet

You can have vice, they don't have any beers on tap
And please take del rey it reminds me too much of that
Night we at hotel 1000
In fact you should probably also have that one

I want El Gaucho and Big Picture too
That might not seem quite fair, but you'll have to make do
I'm giving you most of the bars in this town
Because drinking in them makes me miss you around

As for See Sound I propose a joint custody
I'll take it now, you can have it when you're ready
To start playing nice and not showing up all over town
With that girl, makes it hard to want to go out

you've become the last person I want to see
And Saturday night becomes like hide and seek
So I'm setting up rules of where you can be
So we both can exist somewhat peacefully

Cuz I'm tired of losing a whole night of sleep
Just cuz I saw you holding her hand on the street
So if you could just follow these rules please for me
And give me a little room to breathe

Seattle is not that small of a town
But it feels clausterphobic to see you around
But I can't go through this life standing still
And my breath may escape me but you never will

As for the jazz place next to Tia Lous
I sovereignly declare that we make a small truce
We save it for the day you finally get bored
Cuz she loves you better, but I loved you more